Swastik Restaurant ERP is a touch enabled- desktop based restaurant management software designed to provide restaurants all the features and tools required for smooth order, billing, operation, accounting and management.
Live, easy and quick table management with easy to understand – Color Status. Table can be categorized by floor, virtual table, take away, and dine- in or different area wise. Status system is available for dining, booked, merged, not in use and vacant. Just click or touch on the table icon will open the table data with option to add product or create new order. There is facility to merge table in one table also. End no. of tables an be added by user. Live table status with color coding to make this all system easy and errorless.
Get direct access to four operations mode right from the main dashboard, this reduces errors in order type and increases the speed of service. Choose from dine -in, delivery, and take away making it easier for the staff to track the order type and simplifying billing process.
Multi Level- Menu Management System. Restaurant can define unlimited no. of products with Image, Composition, Group, Sub Group, Preparation Counter, Category and unlimited level of Menu Group. This menu group is easy to work in Web Based Waiter Order Module also.
Add any number of item modifiers (Composition) in the system, the item modifiers can be set for every individual Item. Furthermore, you can configure the modifier to be optional or mandatory meaning that depending on the setting and the item selected, the waiter must select the modifier leaving no room for error.
This SWASTIK – Restaurant POS – comes with very new and revolutionary – single screen Point of Sales Management System. All type of KOT and BOT can be booked table wise and pre invoice can be printed. Discount can be given Product Wise / Group Wise or on total basis. Different type of Discount can be given for KOT and BOT or complete invoice. Multiple Table can be merged against Single Table. Service Charge, Vat, Membership Discount and Round Off like add / less terms are available on the basis of security rights. User can avoid order / Invoice also Item wise order can be cancelled. Multiple Payment option like Cash / Credit / Credit Card and Bill to Hotel rooms is available. Kitchen Note and Item modifier is accessible from this module. User can add No of Pax / Guest every order wise.
SWASTIK – Restaurant – POS – has very special customized and Advance Reporting for Table Status, Order Status, Sales Report, Order Report, Kitchen Report, Order Status Detailed, Counter Summary with multi-level Group and filter option. User can define unlimited number of templates for all these reports. Filter option can be defined for any field.
Send orders automatically to the kitchen with KDS module which gives the kitchen staff real-time information of all the orders taking place. This not only improves the communication between the front staff and the kitchen staff but also reduce errors and speed up serving time. Kitchen Staff can accept order, Reject Order and after preparation notify for prepare which information will go to waiter automatically. Again, there is one message center where Counter / Waiter / Kitchen can message each other for every transaction.
SWASTIK – Restaurant – POS – comes with Nepal’s No. 1 SWASTIK – Restaurant – POS – comes with Nepal’s No. 1 Accounting and Inventory Management Software – SWASTIK, which has robust Inventory Management System. Minimum Level, Max Level and Re-order level can be defined for every product. In Purchase – Purchase Order, GRN, Invoicing options are available. User can add additional expenses on a purchase through very special additional Purchase Invoice. Again, there is Store Management System which consist – Stock Transfer, Inventory Issue and FG Receipt option. Inventory reports can be taken Group Wise, Sub Group Wise. All Inventory reports are available with Value and Without Value also. Multiple Ware house is also possible.
SWASTIK – Hitech Business Accounting Software is integrated part of this solution which is Nepal’s No 1 Accounting and Inventory management Software. It will take care of all your need of daily Cash / Bank, Journal, Expenses, Other Income, Purchase and other Transaction. All the required reports like Cash / Bank Book, Day Book, Final Reports, accounts receivable, Accounts Payable are available on just your fingertips. You can take your Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, balance Sheet, Customer / Vendor Outstanding on daily basis and all this available with tight security.
Restaurant – POS comes with very special Inventory management. Restaurant manager can define Raw Material Ingredients of every menu. On the basis of Sales – System will produce that item and consume raw material automatically. User does not require to think more about inventory consumption. All type of consumption and Productions reports are available on a click.
This is very special Module, where waiter / restaurant manager can take order from tablet directly from table. No paper is required and it will be updated / notified to Kitchen and Counter automatically. This system is completely touch enabled and work flow is like Shopping cart. This system converts complete order and delivery process error less and increase efficiency in service.
: In SWASTIK – Restaurant – POS – Multiple Membership Type like – Platinum, Gold, Silver Membership, Staff member Ship can be defined. Again, Discount Scheme – Group Wise can be defined for every Membership. Like for Gold Member Ship – User can define Platinum 20% Discount on KOT and 10% Discount on BOT. Just like that in Platinum Membership – user can define KOT discount 25% and BOT – 15%. Again, for every guest restaurant can issue membership card and at the time of billing system will provide automatic discount on the basis of this membership number.
(Same as mentioned). In SWASTIK – Restaurant POS – User can define Preparation center for every individual product. We can define different printer for every individual Preparation center. Now at the time of order, user can print Order to Kitchen on different printer automatically on the basis of that.
The Software allows you to send out important notifications via SMS. The module allows you to notify your customers of services offered at your restaurant or send greeting message, thanks message for Invoice or order booking. You can define multiple templates Module wise and on the basis of template SMS will be delivered automatically. SMS will use our Web API for the same.
SWASTIK – Restaurant – POS is authorized from IRD and comes with all the reports and features required by IRD, Nepal. This software comes with inbuilt Vat Reports, Materialized View Reports, Audit Reports, Re-Printing Issue, Cancellation Reports and all the statutory requirement.